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Zachary Woodbeck: Outstanding senior in industrial engineering

Author: Cyclone Engineering

Zachary Woodbeck


Major: Industrial engineering and master’s of business administration

Hometown: Ames, Iowa

Clubs and activities: Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, Interfraternity Council, St. Jude Up ’til Dawn, Cardinal Key Honor Society, Greek Week, Men for Fraternal Excellence, Fraternal Values Society, Order of Omega, Emerging Fraternal Leadership Council, Student Government – University Affairs

Who was your most influential mentor while at Iowa State?

I cannot give you one mentor that was more influential than the rest – there are many. I will say, though, that I learned the most from the students around me and from my past experiences.

What would you consider your greatest accomplishments at Iowa State?

I would say my greatest accomplishment was, day-in and day-out, committing myself to change, excellence and honesty. I cannot put my finger on one single accomplishment, as they were all a collection of daily efforts.

What’s your favorite place on campus?

My favorite place on campus is across Lincoln Way in what some call, “Greekland.”

What’s your advice for first-year Iowa State engineering students? 

Commit yourself to the work proposed to you and commit yourself to the process of being an engineering student. Also, almost more importantly, expect to make mistakes and to fail. One of the main purposes of being an engineering student is learning how to learn – trial and error is a large part of that process. You will not learn in the times that you perfectly execute, you’ll learn in the times that you make the greatest mistakes.

What do you like to do in your free time?

Play with puppies, play Call of Duty, and learn about leadership and how to better oneself.

What are your plans for after graduation?

I do not have any set plans. I do plan to change the world and leave a positive impact on all. That is permanent and will not change regardless of where I go and who I interact with.