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Engineering students, staff, faculty and alumni honored during WiSE banquet

Author: Cyclone Engineering

Jonathan Wickert, Olivia Carrasco, Lora Leigh Chrystal
Several individuals with ties to the College of Engineering were recognized during a banquet hosted by WiSE to celebrate the program’s 30th anniversary. In this photo, Olivia Carrasco (middle), senior in mechanical engineering, poses with Senior Vice President and Provost Jonathan Wickert and WiSE Director Lora Leigh Chrystal.

Throughout the past year, the Program for Women in Science and Engineering has been commemorating its 30th anniversary with a variety of events and activities that included key note speakers, a STEM Fest and tailgate. On Dec. 3, WiSE wrapped up the festivities with a banquet.

More than 150 individuals attended the event, including Mary Ann Evans, who was the founding director of the WiSE program in 1986, Karen Zunkel (BSIE’83), a past director, and Lora Leigh Chrystal, the current director. Chrystal was presented with a paver in the Plaza of Heroines outside Catt Hall.

Each decade, WiSE recognizes several individuals, groups and organizations for their commitment to promoting gender equity, diversity and inclusion in science, technology, engineering and math fields. WiSE presented these awards during the banquet, and among the students, staff, faculty and alumni recognized for their contributions were the following individuals from the College of Engineering:

  • WiSE Undergraduate STEM Award: Olivia Carrasco, senior in mechanical engineering, and Julia Eckhoff, senior in mechanical engineering
    The WiSE Undergraduate STEM Leadership Award recognizes outstanding leadership by an undergraduate student majoring in science, technology, engineering or math during their junior or senior years. The WiSE Leadership Award is intended for students whose exemplary leadership is broader than a single department or student organization. Awardees are expected to have demonstrated outstanding leadership in one or more major college-wide, university, community, or professional organization. The award includes a $1000 scholarship.
  • WiSE Inspiring Change – Iowa State University Staff Advocate Award: LeQuetia Ancar, assistant director of engineering student services and multicultural liaison officer
    The Inspiring Change Award goes to a university staff member who has exhibited dedication and superior service toward enhancing diversity and inclusiveness by mentoring, supporting and advocating for the success of women in STEM.
  • WiSE Inspiring Change – Iowa State University Administrator Award: Kristen Constant, Morrill Professor, Wilkinson Professor of Interdisciplinary Engineering and chair of materials science and engineering
    The Inspiring Change Award goes to a university administrator who has exhibited superior service toward promoting culture change at Iowa State University.
  • WiSE Emerging Leader Award: Kristine Bond, BSAgE’13 and engineer III for agricultural and biosystems engineering
    The Emerging Leader Award recognizes an Iowa State University alumnae who has been actively engaged in a STEM profession for less than 10 years and who has worked to enhance diversity and inclusion by mentoring, supporting and/or advocating for the success of women in STEM.
  • WiSE Service Award: Karen Zunkel, director for undergraduate programs and academic quality for the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost
    The WiSE Service Award honors an individual whose service to the Program for Women in Science and Engineering through her/his individual service that has made a significant impact for the organization.
  • WiSE Leading Change Award: Janine McCormick, BSChemE’04 and industry manager, refining, Emerson Process Management
    The Leading Change Award recognizes an Iowa State University alumnae who has been actively engaged in a STEM profession for over 10 years and who has worked to enhance diversity and inclusion.