Our Lab

Our Laboratory is equipped with a variety of lab and field-based equipment appropriate for occupational exposure assessment, movement analysis, and ergonomic measurements. Below are brief descriptions of each equipment within out current capabilities.

Lumbar Motion Monitor (LMM)
Our Lumbar Motion Monitor (Chattanooga group Inc., TN) has the capability of measuring and recording the instantaneous position of the trunk in the sagittal, coronal and transverse plane simultaneously at a rate of 60Hz. Through a special algorithm, it is able to differentiate the positional data with time to generate velocity and acceleration data.
It is currently being used to measure trunk kinematic data in two studies in which the effect of fatigue and lift parameters on the variation of trunk kinematic data during repetitive lifting


Electromyographic System (EMG)
For the muscle activity studies, ErgoLab is equipped with a 16 channel Begnoli EMG system (Delsys Inc., Natick, MA). This allows for non-invasive measurement and recording of activations of superficial muscles.  The units produce conditioned, isolated, analog signals which can be readily connected to all Motion Capture or stand-alone data acquisition systems. Selectable gains, built-in signal quality checks, and ultralight parallel- bar sensors make the Bagnoli EMG System practical in both lab and field environments.  Data can be acquired by dedicated Delsys software (EMGworks) or alternatively through common third-party data acquisition systems.

Isokinetic Dynamometer

To measure muscle strength, ErgoLab is equipped with a Kin-Com AP 125Isokinetic Dynamometer (IsoKinetic International Inc., East Ridge, TN.) It is capable of testing a variety of muscle groups while the mechanical arm is moving at a variety of speeds. Muscle strength can be measured in any of the below- listed motions
1. Hip Flexion / Extension Abduction / Adduction Internal / External Rotation
2.  Ankle Plantar Flexion / Dorsiflexion Inversion / Eversion w/Distal Stabilization
3. Knee Extension / Flexion standing     4. Elbow Extension / Flexion 5. Cervical Extension / Flexion Supine

 Roller Conveyor
The lab is







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